Old Man's Web Page

Maine Coon (long coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Senior  : :  Large

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About Old Man

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • Current Age: 11 Years (best estimate)

Meet Old Man! He is super affectionate and loves attention! He will follow you around and lay on your lap and watch TV with you. He loves to be pet. Old Man is estimated to be 8 to 10 years old and is FIV positive. He has done well with the cats that we have introduced him to, so despite his FIV, he will not necessarily need to be an only cat. He does have some dental cavities, but eats just fine and has a good appetite. Old Man has had a hard life outdoors fending for himself in a rough neighborhood with kids shooting at animals with BB guns. Old Man was pretty beat up when he was found. He had a neck wound and was drooling. We took him in and had him treated and his transformation has been short of amazing. Please consider giving this loving senior kitty a great home he deserves!

Special Needs: FIV+

Other Pictures of Old Man (click to see larger version):

Old Man Old Man Old Man Old Man