Tucker's Web Page

Domestic Short Hair / Tabby / Mixed (short coat)  : :  Male  : :  Baby

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Cat Information

About Tucker

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • General Color: Gray, Blue or Silver Tabby
  • Color: Tabby
  • Current Age: 1 Year 7 Months (best estimate)

Tucker was rescued from a farm in Hilliard in Spring. He was not handled until he was approximately 6 weeks old so will at first appear shy, but he will quickly become king of his castle. He enjoys being up high where he can survey his surroundings. Window ledges and cat trees are his favorite spots. Tucker is playful and very focused on whatever he is playing with. He enjoys interactive toys such as those that are propelled, make noise, or are kickable. He is affectionate with other cats and will attempt to befriend, even when met with unfriendly hissing. He has a stocky build with large round paws. Very soft, dense fur and huge round eyes. He does respond to his name but will need gentle reassurance until he is confident of his surroundings. Currently at 7lbs and approximately 6-7 months old.

Other Pictures of Tucker (click to see larger version):

Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker